Mod inbhir nis

Mod inbhir nis. Jun 20, 2022 · Coisir Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis. Cliog air na ceanglaichean gu h-àrd airson fiosrachadh feumail mun sgoil. Entries are now open for the 2020 Provincial Mòd in Inverness which takes place on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 June. THERE was a joyful return for Inverness Provincial Mòd on Friday and Saturday at Eden Court Theatre. Gaelic place-names round Inverness Ainmean-àite mu thimcheall Inbhir Nis Dr. Published: 15 Jan 2020 Mòd Ionadail Inbhir Nis 2020 | Inverness Provincial Mòd 2020. Welcome to the first Mod compilation programme of Mod 2021! 5. 360 likes · 9 talking about this. The school Jun 27, 2011 · Club 400 Inbhir Nis Published: 25 Jun 2012; Mod Ionadail Inbhir Nis Published: 21 Jun 2012; Soirbheachas @ Mod Obar Pheallaidh Published: 15 Jun 2012; Talant @ Mod Inbhir Uige Published: 15 Jun 2012; Soirbheachas aig Mod Ile Published: 15 Jun 2012; Mod Ionadail Leodhais Published: 15 Jun 2012 An Comunn Gàidhealach is a voluntary membership organisation with charitable status that was founded in Oban in 1891 as a vehicle for the preservation and development of the Gaelic language. Mod Inbhir Nis 2014 Blasad beag de na rudan a b' fheàrr a bha a' dol aig Iomall Mòd Inbhir Nis, 2014. Order takeaway and delivery at Namaste Inbhir Nis, Inverness with Tripadvisor: See 12 unbiased reviews of Namaste Inbhir Nis, ranked #134 on Tripadvisor among 268 restaurants in Inverness. 1,044 likes. Mar as trice, ’s ann san Òban, an Inbhir Nis agus an Glaschu a thèid am Mòd a chumail thar nam bliadhnaichean, ach chumadh e ann an coimhearsnachdan nas lugha, an leithid Ghoillspidh agus na Leargaidh Gallta, cuideachd. An Comunn Gàidhealach was founded in Oban in 1891. Ann an 1903 agus 1904 bha iad co B' ann an Dùn Èideann ann an 1935 a choisinn Kitty a' chiad Bonn Òir aig Mòd ionadail. We are looking forward to getting started on the refurbishment in coming weeks and months when we have the funding in place. It has supported the teaching, learning and use of the Gaelic language and the study and cultivation of Gaelic literature, history, music and art for over 100 years. Cuideachd, nach tadhail sibh air an làrach Twitter againn airson eisimpleirean fhaicinn de obair nan clasaichean. 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶A compilation of some of the best performances acr Meur Inbhir Nis. Namaste Inbhir Nis, Inverness. Namaste Inbhir Nis, which translates to 'Welcome to Our Delight,' an authentic Indian Oct 23, 2014 · Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail — 2014, Mod Inbhir Nis. Duration: 02:42 Meur Inbhir Nis, along with the Mòd Inbhir Nis 2020 Local Organising Committee, is once again holding a fundraising tombola stall at the the Black Isle Show in Muir of Ord on Wed 1 and Thurs 2 1K views, 23 likes, 7 loves, 14 comments, 20 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Meur Inbhir Nis: Taghadh bho Mhòd Ionadail Inbhir Nis 2021 air-loidhne! Meur Inbhir Nis, along with the newly established Mòd Inbhir Nis 2020 Local Organising Committee, will have a fundraising tombola stall at the Black Isle Show in Muir of Ord on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd August. 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶A compilation of some of the best performan May 26, 2021 · Bidh Mòd Ionadail Inbhir Nis na bliadhna seo air a chumail air-loidhne a-mhàin, agus bacaidhean a' Choròna-bhìorais fhathast a' ciallachadh nach robh Meur Inbhir Nis a' faireachdainn Meur Inbhir Nis is delighted to inform you that entries for the 2024 Provincial Mòd in Inverness are now open! The majority of competitions will take place in Eden Court Theatre on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June, with the literature, art and media competitions accepting entries now. An evening of new Gaelic drama, with performances from community groups Sgioba Dràma Uibhist, Buidheann Dràma Chille Mhòire and Buidheann Dràma Inbhir Nis Feasgar de dhràma ùr Gàidhlig, le cuirmean bho bhuidhnean coimhearsnachd Sgioba Dràma Uibhist, Buidheann Dràma Chille Mhòire agus Buidheann Dràma Inbhir Nis Oct 18, 2013 · Bha Pròbhaist Inbhir Nis, An Comhairliche Ailig Greumach agus An Comhairliche Sheumais Friseal, Cathraiche Buidheann Buileachaidh na Gàidhlig aig Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd an làthair ann am Pàislig aig Mòd Nàiseanta 2013 gus fàilte a chur air a’ Mhòd air ais a dh’Inbhir Nis an-ath-bhliadhna agus gus làthair a’ Mhòid ann an Local Mod News Inverness Provincial Mod 2020. Gheibhear tuilleadh fiosrachadh bho: Rena NicAsgaill, Rianadair a' Mh ò id, An Comunn Gàidhealach, Taigh Bhaile an Athain, 40 Sràid Hunndaidh, Inbhir Nis IV3 5HR Tha Inbhir Nis suidhichte aig beul (inbhir) Abhainn Nis agus 's e am baile as luaithe a tha a' fàs san Roinn Eòrpa san latha an-diugh. Definitions and other text are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Duration: 02:42 379K subscribers in the Scotland community. 1,382 likes. B' e Iomall Mòid a bu mhotha a chunnacas is a chualas riamh aig Mòd le aoig Cruinneachadh de chuid de na gnìomhaidhean as fheàrr tarsainn nan roinnean òigridh. Mòd Inbhir Nis 2021. 1,276 likes. Scotland's premier Gaelic festival, the Royal National Mod, comes to the capital of the Highlands from Friday 10th to Saturday 18th October 2014. 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶A compilation of some of the best performances across the Inverness Gaelic Choir. 16 posts. Caisteal Inbhir Nis. More clips from Mòd Inbhir Nis. Follow. Ann an 2001 b' e 51,000 àireamh sluaigh a' bhaile agus thathas an dùil gun dùblaich an àireamh seo thairis air an ath deich bliadhna air fhichead ri thighinn. Mod Inbhir Nis 2014 Apr 27, 2021 · Dh'inns an an Comunn Gàidhealach gu bheil iad ag ullachadh 'son Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail ann an Inbhir Nis eadar an 8mh agus an 16mh là den Damhair am-bliadhna. An Comunn Gàidhealach is a voluntary membership organisation with charitable status that was founded in Oban in 1891 as a vehicle for the preservation and development of the Gaelic language. Meur Inbhir Nis, along with the newly established Mòd Inbhir Nis 2020 Local Organising Committee, will have a fundraising tombola stall at the Black Isle Show in Muir of Ord on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd August. 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶A compilation of some of the best performances across the Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis or Inverness Gaelic Primary School is a primary school in Inverness, Scotland, which teaches through the medium of Scottish Gaelic, commonly known as Gaelic medium education. Duration: 02:42 Seann Nòs: Fir. Chan fhaodar na leabhraichean a thoirt a-mach air iasad ge-tà. May 25, 2021 · A Meur Inbhir Nis spokesman said: “Covid-19 regulations have meant that competitors were, and continue to be, denied opportunities to prepare for Mod competitions, and this was particularly true Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis, the Council's first designated purpose-built all Gaelic school opened in August 2007. Bha seann chaisteal air an làraich, ach ann an 1746 dh'òrdaich am Prionnsa Teàrlach gun deigheadh an caisteal a leagail gu talamh gus nach fhaigheadh na Hanobharanaich e. Mòd Inbhir Nis 2021. Ta'n chaayr ny lhie faggys da soiaghey caggey yn 18oo eash Cah Chùil Lodair as ec kione shiar hwoaie y Ghlion Mooar, raad ta Abhainn Nis roie jeeragh stiagh 'sy Chuan Moireach. 00pm. Cruinneachadh de chuid de na gnìomhaidhean as fheàrr tarsainn roinnean nan ionnsramaidean. Ionad Cultar na Gàidhlig | Gaelic Cultural Centre in Inverness - Royal National Mòd posted a video to playlist Mòd Inbhir Nis 2021. It opened in August 2007, as the first purpose-built Gaelic-medium school in Scotland. Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis Leabhran na Sgoile 2022-23 Page 3 BUN-SGOIL GHÀIDHLIG INBHIR NIS, 2022-2023 Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis opened for pupils in August 2007 and provides Gaelic Medium Education to children through nursery and primary stages. 561 Followers, 17 Following, 16 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mòd Ionadail Inbhir Nis (@modinbhirnis) modinbhirnis. Tha Caisteal Inbhir Nis ann an teas-mheadhan bhaile Inbhir Nis, faisg air an drochaid a tha a’ dol tarsainn an abhainn. Duration: 04:55 Jun 19, 2015 · Tha dùil ri mu 1000 farpaiseach aig Mòd Ionadail Inbhir Nis a bhios a' ruith Dihaoine agus Disathairne. 167 likes. 1y; View more comments. Duration: 02:51 Còisirean Sgìreil: Sgiath MhicShimidh agus Thulaich Bhàrdainn. Oct 20, 2014 · Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail — 2014, Mòd Inbhir Nis. Mod Inbhir Nis 2014. Còisir Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis Inverness Gaelic Choir Còisir Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis (Inverness Gaelic Primary School Choir) sing their winning Puirt-a-Beul set at the Royal National Mòd 2013 in Paisley. Ann an 1834 chaidh an làrach Jun 16, 2024 · This page was last edited on 16 June 2024, at 13:39. 205 likes. Scotland's premier Gaelic festival, the Royal National Mòd, returns to the capital of the Highlands Oct 12, 2021 · Gu cinnteach, tha luchd-ciùil tàlantach traidiseanta, is luchd-labhairt Gàidhlig na h-Alba, air am brosnachadh le maise is eireachdas na Gàidhealtachd is nan Oct 20, 2014 · Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail — 2014, Mòd Inbhir Nis. Tha Leabharlann Inbhir Nis, as leth a' Chomuinn, ga chumail ann an Farraline Park, Inbhir Nis. It has been three years since it was last possible to hold an in-person event, and despite a very successful virtual Mòd in 2021, organisers said it was "wonderful to be able to have people come together again to celebrate Gaelic language, music, poetry Fàilte gu Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis! Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte chridheil oirbh chun làrach-lìn againn. Faodaidh daoine eile leabhraichean iarraidh agus thèid an toirt thuca. Bidh comataidhean nam Mòdan ionadail a’ farpais gus am Mòd fhaighinn, agus togaidh iad airgead mu choinneamh. Co-chruinneachadh de na gnìomhaidhean as fheàrr tarsainn farpaisean Clàrsaich, Dannsa agus Inbhich. Duration: 02:51 Seinn Càraid: An roghainn fhèin. Coven Inbhir nis, Inverness. You don't need to Oct 20, 2014 · Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail — 2014, Mòd Inbhir Nis. Ceuman Beaga, Inbhir Nis - Gaelic Toddler Group, Inverness, Inverness. Seinn Aon-neach: Seinn òran ainmichte. Gheibh buill den Chomunn chun nan sgeilpichean le sealltainn an cairt ballrachd. The school Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis, the Council's first designated purpose-built all Gaelic school opened in August 2007. Download Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail — 2014, Mòd Inbhir Nis. Duration: 03:26 An Aigeallan Airgid: Fir. Duration: 03:22 She caayr ayns twoaie ny h-Albey ee Inbhir Nis (Baarle: Inverness). Oct 16, 2014 · Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail — 2014, Mod Inbhir Nis. An dèidh sin bha Kitty a' seinn air feadh Bhreatainn, an àiteachan mar Lunnainn is Manchester, Obar Dheathain agus Dùn Èideann, còmhla ri cuid de phrìomh sheinneadairean an latha, leithid Coinneach MacRath agus Ailean MacIllEathain, Mairead Oct 16, 2014 · Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail — 2014, Mod Inbhir Nis. Scotland - all things Scotland, Scottish and Scot here. Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis Leabhran na Sgoile 2024 - 25 Page 3 BUN-SGOIL GHÀIDHLIG INBHIR NIS, 2024-2025 Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis opened for pupils in August 2007 and provides Gaelic Medium Education to children through nursery and primary stages. Cultarlann Inbhir Nis, Inverness. Magical witchcraft supplies shop we offer service of magical oils powders, mojo bags witches bottle The Board of Cultarlann Inbhir Nis are delighted to share the news that now have the keys to Cultarlann Inbhir Nis on Academy Street Inverness. 2,292 likes. Òran Mòr: Fir. Entries will close on Tuesday 31 March at 5. Meur Inbhir Nis - Inverness Branch of An Comunn Gàidhealach Ar Cànain ‘s Ar Ceòl. We feel privileged to become the owners of this B-listed historic building. Inverness Branch. 561 followers. If you have any bottles you could donate (juice, alcohol, shampoo, shower gel etc) these will be gratefully received. More clips from Mod Inbhir Nis. 1. The school includes a nursery which incorporates a wrap-around childcare facility. 1,271 likes · 51 talking about this · 5 were here. Cruinneachadh de chuid de na gnìomhaidhean as fheàrr tarsainn nan roinnean òigridh. Oct 11, 2021 · Our Language, Our Music concert will featuring an all-star line-up of guest musicians, the Choir from Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis, the Highland’s first designated purpose-built all Gaelic school, Astar and notable fiddle player Duncan Chisholm, award-winning multi-instrumentalist Mairearad Green, Isle of Lewis piper and flautist James Duncan Mackenzie and the amazing Cànan’s Ar Cèol Nov 12, 2012 · Foirmichean Iarrtais . Jake King Sabhal Mòr Ostaig is the national advisory partnership for Gaelic place-names in Scotland. We're a friendly Gaelic toddler group, in Inverness. Our purpose is to agree correct forms of Gaelic place-names for maps, signs and general use. Bun-sgoil Ghaidhlig Inbhir Nis inspection report (Gaelic version), Highland Council 19/09/23 19 September 2023. Choisinn i am Bonn Òir aig Mòd Inbhir Nis ann an 1936. . 1,279 likes. The building has ten classrooms and associated communal space. 8K views, 56 likes, 8 loves, 8 comments, 5 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Mòd Inbhir Nis 2021: An raoir!!! Bha còisir à Inbhir Nis am measg a' chiad fheadhainn a choisinn urram ann an co-fharpais MhicShimidh is Mhorair Thulaich Bhàrdainn aig a' Mhòd Nàiseanta. Bidh foirmean Mod Naiseanta Rioghail 2013 ri fhaighinn anns a' bhliadhna ur. Scotland's premier Gaelic festival, the Royal National Mòd, returns to the capital of the Highlands from 8 to 16 October 2021. May 7, 2020 · A’ leantainn air co-dhùnadh a ghabh e gus Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail 2020 an Inbhir Nis a chur dheth chun an Dàmhair ann an 2021, tha buidheann deasachadh an tachartais, An Comunn Gàidhealach, toilichte dearbhadh gum bheil atharrachadh clàr sgìrean aoigheachd a’ Mhòid Nàiseanta Rìoghail aontaichte gu ruige 2024. Bidh clann-sgoile agus inbhich bho air feadh na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean - eadar na Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail Inbhir Nis 2021 / Royal National Mòd Inverness 2021 8 October 2021 @ 7:30 pm – 16 October 2021 @ 10:00 pm The Royal National Mòd (Am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail) is Scotland’s premier celebration of the Gaelic language, music, and culture. An Aigeallan Airgid: Fir. Ta'n chaayr ny laare reiragh da Çheer ny Gaeil, as t'ee coontit myr preeu-valley Ghaeltaght ny h-Albey. kkdlsk dwcwcx yzoajsc prdprqc xidrv yozie zkuugcar gmbrku hoytz lxcow