Quit warehouse job reddit

Quit warehouse job reddit. Sure, 12 hour shifts standing and sorting fish were just as grueling as a warehouse, but they bought pizza for everyone and the wages were higher. i took the job because of the pandemic. I know Reddit makes it sound like le big funny to quit your job with some grandiose gesture and the letter equivalent of fingers in the air, but please write a short, professional letter saying you've accepted another position with two weeks notice. Ultimately, everyone hiring you had to interview and be hired for the job that they have. I got an ELEVEN dollar an hour pay increase between the hours of 11 and noon today by joining the IBEW. I told my boss, he wasn’t happy, tried everything to keep me, negotiated, willing to be flexible, but I still said no. 24 hours I think. So ever since I started working (16) I told myself I'd stop working any food service jobs and get into either warehouse or construction/trades. starring at a computer and mindlessly scrambling to meet 5 oclock deadlines was not the job for me. Also didn't mention in my original title, but this is my first job so excitement is helping me push through. I loved the job even I was there so short. Contrary to popular belief, you DON’T need to give two weeks notice to leave Amazon. You have to (unfortunately) go through the chat box on the hiring website and ask them to reset the job ID if you’re applying to the same position, but since you’re applying at a different location I don’t think you’ll have that issue. One day back in March just decided that I was not getting anywhere and had enough and told them I was leaving in two weeks and that was it. after a couple months of working there, i realized that i hated it. They reported record profits last year and gave everyone a $1 bump up that survived summer (less than 1/3rd of the shift that remained after quitting + $1 shift differential for everyone on night) they bumped up the minimum across the board by $1 so every im 21 with only highschool education and i just got my drivers license last month and i worked as a dominoes delivery driver for 3 weeks but i quit the job yesterday because i kept getting panic attacks while driving. But I'm starting to seriously hate my job but I don't know if I should quit and throw myself back into financial uncertainty. i quit being a lawyer and am a front of house at a cafe, 3 days a week in melbourne and its so much better for my mental health. I used to work at an Amazon warehouse . I quit my job today. Can I transfer from Florida to a job in Louisiana ? Or do I have to quit and then apply for a job in Louisiana . Jan 23, 2013 · I'm looking for a way to venture out of warehouse/general labor jobs. I was soar afterwards. The fact you quitting made you ineligible for unemployment is so fucked up. If a future employer asks you about it, just explain it. Unless the job springboards to something else as sometimes a basic job can help you make connections. But he's lucky to get 35 hrs a week. I’m just sticking with it to get a driving job. depends what you value in life and whats the minimum wage. Sadly I don't have the option to quit family Dollars distribution center as it's one of the better paying job in a 40 mile radius. I mean I quit my job after I found out my gf of 8 years was cheating on me in my eyes THATS a failure on my end. There are far many better jobs at the same or higher pay rate that won't get you killed. I turned 18 on november last year and life got in the way and I've just been lazy. Some of my coworkers are exempt from the rules, some seem to be exempt from actual work. Took him 5+ months to get a job making 21/hr at DHL. It's clear it was a toxic medium and you were give way too much responsibility and work, that shouldn't be legal. I tried to play nice and give him my opinion on how to run things when he first came and help him out and he told So, with all of this taken into account, I quit, promptly and professionally, on my second day. 50 an hour job with benefits because I was able to get my shit together. Good connections with Aug 24, 2021 · Leaving your job the right way (i. I warned him. Yes in the navy women are expected to carry the same amount of weight/action as men because it is literally life or death. By any and all means you worry about yourself and keep yourself up if the work conditions are horrible then leave because if they don’t care about the conditions they don’t care about you think long and hard about it. , professionally) at an Amazon facility is what is referred to as voluntary termination. 50 per hour as a trailer repair technician. within a week I went to a minimum wage patrol job and in a year was bumped up to a cushy 13. There are semi-successful girls who are given tasks where they are stronger at, but will easily fail if they piss off their supervisor so they’re given tasks they can’t handle well. 13 now, sure but it's 50 in 5 years. I've been saving up (about 19k in the bank). That was in 2014 when the job economy was much hi everyone, i’ve been on this reddit page since my interview so this is a bittersweet moment. If you played Tetris then you will be okay with loading a trailer. eh disagree. I'm sorry for the last part man, but the way you quit was pretty badass, I would have liked to see all that shit storm of truckers flooding the manager office. I've kept contact with people from the job I quit and work environment is dismal with no upward mobility. Love this job but the combination of crappy shoes and concrete are killing me. Haven’t done one myself but I heard it’s a quicker option besides waiting. I hate my job. It's ten hours long but the work is actually fine. 1. I quit June 11 and my new hire appointment was about 10 days later. I just left a job after 1 year on good terms and didn’t think twice about putting it on my resume. There so much to this situation. One of them mentioned that quitting your job won’t solve your problems, it’s just going to replace them with new ones. I held an office job as a student, then went into nursing. Reason being that I am going back to school August 1st, my last day would be the 29th, and I felt like it wasn’t really the best fit for me anyway (it was a barista job inside the Starbucks at a grocery store). I work at a warehouse making 16. i was able to keep up with the job with online school but now i have to really focusing on my last year of hs and all my college stuff. I quit because I was depressed. I worked two other jobs at organizations that highly valued my experience and expertise and showed it. The warehouse is hot as hell, and they move you around a lot. Fast forward to a year ago, I was promoted to an Ops Manager managing our warehouse, field techs, and a team of project coordinators. Oh, and you got the job by calling some guy on the phone when a friend tells you they're in need of workers. Nursing is similar in my eyes If a job isn’t a good fit and you can afford to then leave. I chose to not return. Or the only other thing i would say would finish out a pay cycle then bail if you don’t feel it got better. so now i am collecting unemployment while trying to figure out my next move. Thank you for posting on r/UKJobs. Follow our guide to quit your job and leave a good impression professionally. I’m still physical and moving around but I don’t have my bosses watching my every move, and I don’t have to manage any teenagers. What I would like to do is possibly look for an office job, maybe data entry or so. after graduating college i got my "dream job" at a nationally known news station. EDIT: Just got back from my shift. Always looking for other options, though I'm pretty content with the solitude in warehouse work currently. do i say i’m putting in my two weeks? do i write I quit and lived off of my savings for 3 months 8 years later, I couldn't be happier with my career. It took me a couple months to find a new job based on my degree and I waitresses during the employment gap. Hi everyone this is my first reddit post! I (25f) just quit my job working at a warehouse after 6 years. Worked at a bank for almost a year making 11. Thing is, Ive only ever quit my previous jobs with giving a two week notice because I try to be nice to those who have been nice to me but honestly I don't know if I can put up with another two weeks. Edir-Thank you kind stranger for my first ever Reddit Silver!!!! Although this was a shitshow of a job with a raging cunt for a boss, it gave me the energy and drive to find the best job I ever had with coworkers and bosses that I truly loved. now ive been looking for a new job and curious about warehouse jobs. Then 3 people quit and instead of hiring replacements, it's been 3 months, and they are making the current employees 3 on 2nd shift, do the job of 6 people. The successful girls at my warehouse have a don’t quit mentality and the determination to keep learning to be better. Sort of. Recalling my first job when one of my coworkers were leaving, it was a whole going away party while she was there. I’ve done all the different jobs you can do at amazon like stowing, picking, loading etc and i hate all of them. anyone wanna explain what working for a warehouse is like? What kind of factory got job? I always pictured factory jobs to be quite interactive and labor intensive. I tried stocker job once ,but I quit on day one because the job was brutal because it involves stocking boxes on top of each other. Has 7 years experience including 1 yr supervisor experience. I would be stressed the heck out watching the odometer rolling if I relied on Flex as my primary source of income. Just puttin stuff on shelves. But it's the way you do it that makes the difference. YOURE EITHER PHENOMENAL OR YOURE FORGOTTEN. This sub is not officially sanctioned by Amazon, so all posts and comments reflect individual Redditors' opinions and not Amazon Logistics or DSP partners. I've been looking for an opportunity to get into IT though, and I've already gotten my A+ and my Network+ should be secured in a week or two. Finished the day out and went and talked to the guy that hired me and told him he lied to me and quit there and then. My final warehouse job was bottling antifreeze, boxing, putting the boxes on pallets, and shrink wrapping the pallets. Their response will help you know whether you want to work for them. Don’t quit by just not showing up, that’s a sure fire way to be on the Do Not Rehire list. I've been stuck in a miserable job doing warehouse work for four years, but nothing I'm doing is working. My next warehouse job was for an electronics distributor, and it wasn't as bad as the lumber company. The learning curve was steep, bad hours but the job itself was good. 70 an hour only about 35 hours a week. The production standard is almost impossible to meet especially within the timeframe required. Whereas, you could uber to your warehouse job if your car breaks. The job got to be toxic and was not happy, had never quit a job before having another one lined up. Couldn't handle my messy and unhelpful coworkers anymore, and the work was mind-numbing but tiring. The work is insanely exhausting as you are picking up thousands of boxes a day. Jul 25, 2023 · So I (23F) posted here yesterday asking about quitting my job without notice. I've worked multiple jobs during my time there in order to support me and my mom. Like if you're offering that kind of job, at least fucking acknowledge the toll that job has on people's mental health. I’m going to an office job again for better hours. I quit the job cause I hated it and was not growing there. The following methods are recommended for resigning from your job (voluntary termination): Inform Your Local HR Office Should I quit my warehouse job? Here are the reasons I should quit: I've been working for my employer for 20 months. The only people I've seen actually like the job were those who were literally trying to get a workout out of the job (unload trailers, IC's). Part time shouldn't be too bad but as a full time picker I can tell you it blows. What we aren't made for is mindless pos jobs that eat our sanity away and take away whatever will to live we have left. In order to do this click the flair icon below your post where you will be presented with a list to choose from. i’m just not sure how to quit. Spoke to HR, kept it honest, and went home at lunchtime. TL;DR: You're going to fuck everyone else over who is a) a recent college grad/inexperienced, or b) actually needs the job. didn't quit, per se. That’s up to you to decide. Has applied to over 200 warehouse jobs. Don't force your employees into being motivated/thankful or fake smiling. Give a two weeks notice It's a standard rule to tell you're leaving in I quit not only because it's a shit job but also because the morale and abuse from upper management made it not worth it. now i need to figure out if i want to go back to the job i had before the pandemic (that sounds like hell right now) or try something completely different. Most likely you're not facing life or death (besides safety protocols) in a warehouse. Baristas both quit and the guy had to work the 3 jobs on his own with the first chef who quit soon after as well. Coming from a managerial position at a fast food restaurant, this job is so relaxing and stress free. Worked at one in the early 2000s and a new one was built across the street so we had to move a lot of inventory over to the new one per the owners request. Even as secondary income, as I saw my minivan's odometer rolling past 175000, I stopped doing Flex for a while until I got an electric vehicle. Best bet would be to ask for transfer, hardship transfer. Destructive on your body and mind and comments were made that I aged 5 years in six weeks and if Hey, I quit a job after 3 weeks. I quit because I was feeling suicidal and wanted to get away. Many of the warehouse jobs like production and assembly are really competitive right now or need some experience. You are an employee of the temp agency and they will relay that you are quitting back to the warehouse. The job is very physical. My mom is no longer with us and now I feel like I don't even know myself or what I need to be doing now. It’s not like I decided to not go to work. No regrets. It still counts as full time so we get benefits and the pto is nice. just didn't accept a demotion. The job itself is pretty easy and low stress for the most part. We regularly run 9-10hr days and sometimes don't get done till halfway through 3rd shift. I know a few years ago this was job (package handler) wouldn’t take. I worked at a warehouse Saturday, Sunday and Monday for three 12 hour shifts (never worked 12 hours) and was there for almost six months. Work smart, not dangerously. I'm 23 years old. But the work was never steady. Place closed 3 months later, they never found a new steward, and the place was a shit hole without me. I do this and my other job is a fitness model. But now I quit my job as a cook and I've been looking for work for the past month or so. I'm still friends with 90% with them, and it's been 10 years since the job contract finished. I had to explain why I quit a job in my interviews and it was a red flag to new employers. The only thing left are stocker and packer jobs with high turnover rates. The job I mistakenly left thinking I was getting a better opportunity rehired me after I texted my clerical manager in tears asking if there was anything that could be done. Hate my job, would I be an idiot to quit? Backstory: Started out as an IT field tech a little over 5 years ago, when Covid started I moved into our warehouse and started working as a supervisor. i’m a minor, ondemand worker and i’ve been wanting to quit for a while now. I had to convince a company to take a chance on someone who had proven they could be a flight risk. I work nights and get paid 24. Some jobs will try and make you feel guilty for leaving but once you leave, you’ll become old news. Lots of wear and tear on the body from moving people and lots of critical thinking. . You never know if you may have a different opportunity at UPS in the future. At least give a two weeks notice. But those new ones may be more manageable for you than the ones you have now. I'm also living on my own & paying all my own bills for the first time in my life. HR told me that my A to Z account will be deactivated in 24-48 hours, in which when I checked it was already deactivated. Navy/Military is different than civilian jobs. If you absolutely HAVE to leave this job, give two weeks' notice and go to work, and FIND SOMEBODY WHO ACTUALLY WANTS THE JOB to replace you. By that Friday, I was given my job back, and I quit, left at 1 pm so I could milk every dime out of them that I could, and strutted to my husband's waiting car. Can attest to the warehouse stuff. If you’re not happy, focus on yourself. Your fellow staff members may be sad that you’re leaving, but they’ll forget after an hour. I got a job working for Dolby Europe as a PCB assembler (type of work I had been doing for several years) and when I show up on my first day they put me in the warehouse picking and packing finished products. The volume of packages is unbearable, in my warehouse we have around 35,000+ packages every single day and there’s simply not enough workers. Please check your post adheres to the rules to prevent it being removed and flair your post with the most appropriate option. Hey I'm thinking about quitting my current job on the spot because I'm getting to the point where I can hardly handle the everyday BS. You want to preserve your professional integrity and make a firm exit regardless of why you're leaving. As in no call no show. Again, if you don't like it then find a new job or quit. I see the job listings online for the warehouse but I don’t see it available for transfer under AtoZ. Its a very fast pace job with a lot of physical labor. I was let go as a delivery station seasonal, and immediately hired within a week at amazon fresh warehouse. The reason for me is just the physical demands of it + getting nagging injuries I work night shifts too which can really mess with your body. I work in a warehouse 5 days a week on 2nd shift. It is constant walking on a hard concrete floor for 10-12 hours, your feet start killing you after about 2-3 hours I would be limping for half the day it was so bad. I've applied to dozens of jobs, I get the occasional interview, but nothing. e. 40 an hour, more than enough to pay all the bills I had. Back in March quit my job after 13 yrs and turned 60 in May. i decided to get another job in administration, and i continued in that field for another 3 My first warehouse job was for a lumber company, and that one was very labor intensive. If you are concerned that it will make you look unreliable if they find out that a job that you quit a past job after only a few days, as long as you have other jobs that you have stayed at longer this won't look bad. Here's a pros & cons list: Hi, 32M, so I've quit my warehouse job that's stressed and drained me out mentally. Don't sugar coat it. Anyways, thanks you guys a TON for the Yeah I am thinking of quitting too although my reasons are different. I read a few articles about quitting your job during this pandemic. A Place for Amazonians at Delivery Stations alike to Network, Vent, Learn, & Grow. If you’re not, contact your temp agency and let them know this job is a bad fit and that you want something else and that you are quitting. It was such a better working environment than I previously had before that job. I do know that I would rather have a desk job but they require one or all of the following: 1. So I quit and now with my tiny savings of under 4K from this job (and would have had way more if I wasn't driving 90 miles for work 5 days a week) I'm getting the hell out of the state, gotta find a cheap place to live and hopefully a better gig. Job at Amazon quitting So my situation is that I went negative UPT recently, so I asked to quit Amazon on A to Z and asked HR if I can quit as well. The work was ok if it was steady. I give you permission to quit as one reddit user to the next ;) Grow some huevos rancheros and take the job serious like an adult or just quit, don't go on a subreddit after work and complain about how you can't cut it in the warehouse cause you broke a nail and your little toesies hurt after a 10 hour shift. State agencies, private agencies, I try those, and they promise to help me, but those go nowhere. Kudos to you quitting tho, better choices out there than being a loader That's actually the longest I've ever held a serious job. But walking upwards of a half a marathon 4-5 times a week + all the lifting can be exhausting. I currently work in a warehouse after suffering from a similar downfall as OP. Quitting a job is totally normal. yes work can be shit with shitty managers/customers from time to time but i have a lot more time and spare energy to focus on my art, baking my own bread, growing my own vegetables, and doing Dude I just quit my steady non union job today with no notice because I got the call, fucking do it. pgaun jfxlvh pdcxgb mlcjw yljdmcs jfas uvvixp ndkay hwovj rktob
