Reddit female weightlifting

Reddit female weightlifting. I’ve gradually put on weight during the last two years of the pandemic (less walking, exercise) and I’m 125 now. There are a lot of free weight exercise videos, books, youtube, magazine articles that you can take advantage of too. r/feederism: Gainers and feedees enjoy the fantasy or reality of gaining weight themselves. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I think female powerlifting has usually been under represented and so it's good to see it now become more well known. This is key because it in indicative of the stress I was putting my spine under; the actual weight itself isn’t as important as how it related to what I normally was squatting. It's the best beginner guide I've found -- it's broad in scope, concise, non commercial, accessible, and there's hyperlinks to various plans and programs. Dual progression refers to progressively increasing the weight and increasing reps until you meet your rep goal for that weight. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! Hi guys I’m a 22 year old female, now that gyms are finally open again here in Canada I’ve been going 3-5 days a week now since the beginning of September. Whether that force comes from a dumbbell or your own body weight doesn’t really matter. I tend to look taller bc I’m long and lean but I have a chest. Plus it has been shown to help with improving your self-esteem, mood, self-confidence and personal agency, decreasing levels of depression and anxiety, improving blood The Plan: diet + weight training. 25/F/5'2"/130lbs; kinda started stronglifts a couple months ago, haven't been too consistent but still been able to increase lifts. We welcome discussions regarding elite athletes, amateur athletes, competition strategy, training, theory, technique, Weightlifting programming, and current events in the sport of Weightlifting. If the activity you enjoy is weightlifting, then awesome. Cardio and weight lifting both have plenty of merits outside of weight loss. 1xBW, 1. I’d say no. Thanks for putting this up!!! One day I wish to not be the only female in the weight room of my gym!!! Like adding reps in the same weight (5-5-5 then 6-6-6, then 7-7-7 and only then adding weight and going back to 5-5-5) Or, adding weight but lowring to 3-3-3 and working to 4-4-4, 5-5-5 ? I think the first is better because the second has low stimulus doing 3's We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Share with your female friends! 1xBW, 1. (Don't care about scale weight as long as I'm losing fat & toning up) When I was 17-19, I used to follow Lais De Leon's fitness guides for at home and at the gym, and having a structured plan (what body part to work out, which exercises to do, # sets/reps) was wonderful for me as I have ADHD and it made working out much easier for me. I track what I eat on my fitness pal and aim for at least 80-100 grams of protein per day. I did SC and still incorporate hip thrusts into my program, but the cringy names of the programs, the tons of pictures of women's backsides in a lot of the articles (makes it hard for me to read them at work), the "women shouldn't do too much core work" etc. 5 times your body weight, and for deadlifts, somewhere between 1. But that's because I'm going from totally flat arms which is a super low baseline to getting a bicep curve. Common types of weight training equipment include: Barbells and dumbbells; Fixed resistance machines A high-performing level could be benching roughly 75% to 100% of your body weight. Your scenario about trans women easily dominating just isn't happening, and it's being used as cover to be hateful and exclusionary. Increase the weight and try to get 3x12 again - each set might only be 12 then 11 then 8. I believe the popular beginner lifting routine for female aesthetics is Strong Curves. The immediate benefits are joint health, increased strength, and improved physical appearance. This got me stronger but I wasn’t losing any visible fat. I have been trying to come up with a plan to help myself lose weight - including eating habits, cardio & weight-lifting exercises, and just general better habits. My pace over 5 miles is 10:00-10:30 and I want it to be closer to 8:30. Sep 28, 2023 · See how these women combined lifting weights, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to see amazing before-and-after transformations. Naturally, I feel and perform better when I'm eating more, but if I always did that I'd weigh like a zillion pounds. This subreddit is great for anyone to have on their list, as you’ll find posts about Jun 12, 2023 · How much weight should women lift? Can strength training help with weight loss? The best strength training exercises for women. r/femalefittofat: Our community celebrates the delicious softening of the female form. My overall goal is to drop 20 lbs and be a faster runner. Since you (and I) are both new to the sport, conventional wisdom dictates that it's best to focus on learning & improving technique and developing strength. I've posted on this before - "I'm glad that at least the ex-girlfriend/gymnast does finally go to therapy for her issues and says it helped her. But also in the daily workouts, there are often recommended weight for males and then for females (the male weight always been higher, even if just slightly). I know that this is not much for a weight lifter but it is significantly more than 1 -4 I wish more women understood the immense benefits of weight lifting!!!! Running like a lost/hungry gerbil on a treadmill/elliptical for hours isn't a work out. Being healthy and active is great and makes you overall more attractive to most guys. Hi, welcome to r/weightlifting. How to begin lifting weights as a woman (Next Steps) If I remember right, going from sedentary to starting weight lifting, I got results immediately. My numbers: Age 26, 5'8'', 137 lbs. Weight lifting can have many healthy benefits for women plus it can even help you build a more feminine shape by building the glutes and helping create a more ideal waist to hip ratio Let's list some things you have learned through your experience lifting. Good video done by Furious Pete (YouTube celebrity/Body Builder) and his girlfriend (Mel) about female weightlifting - many women think that they'll get bulky if they lift, but if a fittest program/diet is done properly the results are the complete opposite. Better, I think, to prescribe higher reps for beginners. Trans women have been allowed to compete in weightlifting for years, and this is the first time one has even qualified for the Olympics. Weight lifting, following my macro ratios, and eating 2,000 calories a day! I’ve been able to almost lose all my baby weight(35-40 pounds) doing this and I am finally back to pre-pregnancy weight. People are suggesting Strong Curves, but it probably isn't what OP is looking for. Feb 20, 2018 · Weight lifting in general helps to boost your strength by making your muscles work against an applied force. I lost my weight over the course of a few months by simply adding about half an hour-1hr of low intensity cardio once a day 3-5 days a week (walk around the neighborhood, incline walk, elliptical). Most overweight people just getting into weight lifting might be able to do a few pull ups most people probably can’t even do one. So I shifted to weight training, taking weight training classes at the gym and following a lot of Lauren Gleisberg’s workouts. Almost everything I've found so far has been diet, lots of cardio, then weight training. "They" being women who have lost a significant amount of fat via diet and weight training alone. When it comes time for a meet, just compete in the weight class you happen to fall into. Encouragers and feeders enjoy the fantasy of helping… Apr 26, 2024 · Weight training, also known as resistance or strength training, builds lean, stronger muscles, strengthens your bones and joints, and can help keep your metabolism in a healthy state — meaning I agree with your points that some of the male and female relationships are sweet and supportive. Female weight loss struggle Since November 2022 I have been struggling to lose weight, between August 2022 and the end of October 2022 I went from 140lbs to 170lbs in the blink of an eye. Because my frame is naturally small, I feel like this weight isn’t ideal, however, my face looks MUCH better. I do both - a short pilates class (15-20min) before weight lifting to warm up my core and form. However what really matters is how many calories you consume verses what you use. 75 to 2 times your body weight is pretty impressive! Just a heads up though, age and how long you've been training can really play into these numbers. Trade those abs…. A meal plan for strength training (Healthy Eating 101) The top frequently asked strength training questions for women. Body weight multipliers are harder to achieve the more you weigh, but I'm hopeful that she'll have reached these numbers in time for her first powerlifting meet in November. The Quandry: Either my google-foo is weak, they're hiding behind the curl-rack, or they don't exist. My goal is weight loss. What is frequently LESS recognized is the extent to which social factors have an impact on gendered strength capability. Here's the lifting routine I did last night (based on iFitness "Weight Loss Program" routine): We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. But Weightlifting Fairy really, really disturbed me with its treatment of eating disorders. However, I think you could do that plan with the fixed weight bars that are lower than 45 as a way to start. It depends on how much I'm eating. For example I wish I started putting gelatin in my protein shakes and take glucosamine and chondroitin to protect my joints before, I would also have liked to show myself "Joe Weider's Bodybuilding Training System" some years ago to avoid too much fuckarounditis. Choose what you like the most and stick with it. When I can do five sets of five reps at a given weight, I add five pounds and begin again. I was still working out, eating healthy and not binging. Currently I am using up to 13 lb dumbbells in each hand for some exercises, and I am looking forward to increasing that again. I alsways recommend people start with full at home workouts. and having a lighter breakfast that was more nutritious. It's actually really important to do weight bearing activities like weight lifting to increase your bone density levels especially at your age (19) up until about age 30. I have been going to CrossFit for a little under a year. I started at 212 pounds, got down to 207 now I’m back to 210. Or for people to tell /u/WeaponizedSleep to eat more. The clock may be winding down, Jul 2, 2024 · Advice on weightlifting for women is super conflicting, so WH Fitness Director Bridie Wilkins took on a six-week weight training challenge. I've been running 3 days a week since January, but recently decided to start lifting. Although there was a few times a person stopped me and corrected the workout I was doing when I was new to weight lifting, which I appreciated - as they kept me from hurting myself. On the other side of things, I've seen plenty of people who do pilates/light resistant exercises and look "toned" mostly because they've dropped weight but not because they've gained strength. But luckily I did not stop there. But the goal ranges differ between female and male. Any weight gain* I've had from lifting has only occurred in the presence of a caloric surplus. I think the friendship the three girls have is the best example of what WFKBJ does well: the relationships feel real, grounded, funny and sweet and is one of the best depictions of female friendships not just in Kdrama but in TV and film overall. A place for for those who believe that proper diet and intense training are all you need to build an amazing physique. I've never really worked out before. Another exercise you recommended is pull ups. I don’t know your body or how long you have been lifting, but there is a safe way to squat heavy on a regular basis. A body builder told me that for her to gain a pound of clean weight takes a super long time, but she's starting from a much higher baseline. I do 30 to 60 minutes on the treadmill each time I go to the gym, and then I do around 30-45 minutes of light weight lifting on 4-5 different machines. The Big Picture When It Comes To Body Transformations The Three Pillars—Lifting, Nutrition, &… We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Stick with that weight until you get 12 across then increase the weight again. They play a role in weight loss, activity burns calories. On non lifting days I do a longer pilates class (30-60 min). Feb 20, 2024 · Thankfully, for women in search of an online fitness community, there’s an all-female option available. A subreddit for general weight training discussion, focused on intermediate level and above in experience and strength, for those ranging from strength sport competitors, sports that benefit from weight training, or weight training enthusiasts. I genuinely encourage all women to try weightlifting at some point, whether it's with a program similar to mine or something drastically different, lifting heavy shit and putting it down feels really great (just remember not to compare yourself to anyone but yourself, looking at the man deadlifting 400 lbs while you're at 95 will absolutely It’s definitely more character driven than most dramas. I've dated intense weight lifters in the past, but I was too intimidated at the gym and didn't want to embarrass them by coming in and being scrawny while they were huge. Inside we’ll take a closer look at four women as they set goals, begin lifting weights and eating differently, and see their monthly progress updates. I'm 23, female, 5 ft 5 in, and 160 lbs. r/xxfitness might have more info. I've lifted weights and lost weight; I've lifted weights and gained weight. Unfortunately, I have become extremely overwhelmed trying to think of how to properly fit all of these things into a "plan. So now I feel like I have to make a choice between continuing an activity that I love and looking feminine :( Yeah I was a powerlifter pre hrt and I was moving over to weightlifting, have ended up just doing lower body stuff because my upper body is unbelievably muscular even after 15 months with no T. They were super chill about it too. I like it! Its fun to move my body in different ways! Edit: forgot to mention this but a lot of yoga teachers/pilates teachers also weight lift - even if they don't advertise they do. Weight lifting, especially in combination with bodyweight exercises, can vastly improve your core strength and stability which can help you with just about everything you do. I'm not a fitness expert, but weight lifting, even while overweight is super important for a handful of different reasons. I do each exercise from both A and B on the same days and do it twice a week right now since I was just starting and lifts weren't too heavy. 155lbs was my warm up weight. Since we both despise We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. But I was hearing everywhere that women need to lift heavy weights, weight lifting boosts metabolism, women can’t get bulky and cardio isn’t necessary. Hi everyone, I'm a 22 year old female, that's 5'1" weighing 93 lbs. You didn't list your weight, but at this point it doesn't matter. I typically spend my time there weight training as I really can’t stand cardio. I also do rows and occasionally do other assistance exercises, mostly tricep stuff. There are thousands of female athletes training since they are little kids, think gymnastics, weightlifting, all sports related with strength and yet the results are the same, trained men are stronger no matter what. " /r/weightlifting is where we discuss the competitive sport of Weightlifting; the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. We finally dedicated a day to one rep maxes on bench, deadlift and back squats. Megsquats and charity Witt are two power lifters (or power lifter centric), barbell brigade and Mark Bell tend to feature female lifters as well. If you’re in decent shape and just want to start working out seriously this is a good option. I’m 5’2 and I’ve always been 100-102 lbs max. 5xBW, 2xBW bench, squat, deadlift is about 20lbs more on every lift than my 132lb female friend can do right now. As for squats, aim for about 1. . If you eat less then your TDEE, you will lose weight you can do this with many activities or few. Jun 18, 2024 · In just about 90 days, freshman Olympian Olivia Reeves will take to the stage during the Women’s 71-kilogram weightlifting event at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. The exception is deadlift, in which I've been recently doing less volume (such as 1x5). J When I first started weight lifting I bought a set of dumbbells that were 1lb to 4lb in weight. The women who lift heavy and look buff are probably doing more than just lifting heavy - they're probably also on an intense diet regimen and trying to look buff. Also, the 5 rep range is nearly "strength" focused reps - it's supposed to be used with heavy weight and I doubt most beginners will know that or load that rep range correctly. (I won't go into them, but you can easily look them up). Step off the treadmill and pick up the fork. idiu lcfa rqkd vxgpmjn epib mxwadsr oti sqqz jfypfz deqog